Friday, May 6, 2022

Life-Giving Water...

 The thought of having canals full of water in a desert is a miracle. From what I understand, when those who settled this area arrived back in the mid-1800s, they chose a spot that no one else wanted. I'm no historian so I could be not completely correct on that, but I think I'm close.

As a place to live, well...let's just say, it took a lot of work for the area to sustain life.

Fast forward one-hundred and seventy-five years and it still takes a lot of work to sustain so much more life than ever before. Systems are in place to bring the water from the mountains, down the rivers and lakes and pumped into our irrigated water lines.

Today, the city turned our our secondary water.

It's sort of a miracle.

Living in the Western United States as we do, we are living through a drought, and it's not your usual "water levels are a little less than last year" drought. No, it's a "way bad" drought. We've been asked to limit our water usage and in some areas of the state, new home owners are not allowed to put in a yard. Those restrictions may reach us some day, but I don't think it'll be this year.

Tomorrow, I'll go and check our lines, make sure the system survived the winter. I'm sure I'll be visiting the local hardware store more than once to pick up this and that (and more of this because I forgot I needed it...). I'm thankful for the life-giving water. Time to bring life back to the yard.

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