Thursday, May 12, 2022

Oh...The Places They'll Go

 I've worked from home at two locations. For the first couple of years, I worked in a basement. I had a window, but it was dirty and even if it was clean, I could only see a big pine tree and the sky above...

Not much of a view.

The second home, well...the view is much better. My office has a window that faces east. I can see a mountain range and another range beyond, the first range in Box Elder County, the second, Cache. There are other differences, too. My first office was at the end of a cul-de-sac...not much traffic or people walking buy. The new office...the street is busy with people walking up and down the road all the time.

I see older couples getting in their steps, and an occasional dog walker, but the most active humans are the kids. Because I clock in early, I see kids walking to the bus stop before school and I see them when school is over, and when I see them, I can't help but remember the days I walked home from school, occasionally running here and there. 

As the kids walk by, are they thinking about playing after school with their friends, or grabbing the controls of their favorite video games? Are they thinking about homework (I rarely did...)? Are they thinking about their future, what they'll be when they grow up...

Or, the places they'll go?

At that age, I don't think I thought much beyond the next day or maybe the weekend. Of course, thinking about summer vacation was too painful to begin in hurts because the end of school is so close, and yet so far away.

It's easy to look at a younger generation and think they're so different from your own, that the world they'll inherent cannot possibly resemble anything like you went through. Yes, much has changed, but at least where I live, the kids play on the mountainside, they ride bikes, they laugh and run around the yard with their dogs. Much has changed, but there's a lot that's the same.

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