Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Hot Enough For Ya...?

 "Hot enough for ya?"

I took a picture of a tweet yesterday and forwarded to my non-Twitter-participating friend. Why send this tweet to this particular friend?

Because the tweet represents his life.

A few years ago, this friend married a woman from South America. She came from a place that was warm, and not just in the summer, but all year long. Millions of people flock to places like this for vacation and a few fortunate ones even live in these perfect weather climes. 

Apparently, Utah is not one of these places, because at times, it gets cold here. Now, I understand cold is relative, like many other things. What is cold for one person from, say, Brazil, may not be cold to someone living in Driggs, Idaho. Then there's becoming climatized to the environment. Right now, as spring transitions to summer, a "hot" day for us would feel downright chilly once we hit triple digits. 

My friend lives is the Salt Lake Valley. I keep trying to get him to sell his home, cash in on all that equity in his house, and buy new up by us. That will most likely never's too cold up here--not much colder than an hour's drive south, but colder.

As I look forward to the years ahead, retirement specifically, I wonder if where we live now is where we'll live decades from now (God willing...). My friend...he's probably going to be moving, but not north. No, he'll most likely end up in a place like Texas, or Florida, or Costa Rico. 

Certainly, not Northern Utah. Too bad...I think they'd like it up here...

If they could stand the cold.

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