Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Bumper Crop...? Maybe, Hopefully

 I'm not a farmer, at least, I've never been called a farmer, even though technically, we have grown stuff. We've planted some fruit trees since we've moved here. One tree species that stumps me (pun, intended...) is the elusive apricot tree.

It is, in a word, fickle.

I never know if we'll ever get a crop.

Like I said, not a farmer.

I do know that if there's a late frost, the apricot trees seem to get hit the hardest. This year, our little tree seems to be blowing up with fruit, so much so, we need to thin the fruit. If we do, it looks like we'll get a decent crop this year.

One danger we continually face--or, the tree continually faces--is wind. We could power our house with the winds we get up here. Wind is bittersweet. It cleans the air, but also makes it tough in other ways. Never say never, but I believe the threat of a late freeze is over, so it's keeping the tree watered and hoping the wind doesn't destroy all the fruit.

I'll keep you posted.

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