Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Question Is...Is My Doppelganger Out There?

 Finding my doppelganger...

Don't think it's going to happen. 

At least, not in the way Ancestry.Com is thinking.

Years ago, I did the DNA test with Ancestry. I found a half-sister I didn't know I had, and there's a couple of other semi-close relatives that haven't responded to my e-mails. If that's all that happens because I took the test, I count myself blessed.

I know Ancestry wants to get its customers more involved in the process. More involvement translates to more $$$ for the company. That's fair and I applaud their efforts. Such is their latest project about which I received information from them. They want me to upload a selfie and see what relative I look like the most.

Doesn't really work for me.

Every year on Memorial Day we take pictures. Since my sister passed, it's just my older brother and I. A few years ago we ran into a neighbor who moved away in the 1970s. He introduced us to his girlfriend and it somehow came up that my brother and I were adopted. She couldn't believe it. I guess to her, we looked like biological brothers. I can kind of see it, but also, no.

Doing genealogy is something I should be excited to do. It's recommended as part of our religion and I am fascinated by my relatives, their lives, their stories. And I do feel a connection to them because without them, my adoptive parents would not have turned out to be the people they became, and by extension, how I turned out to be.

But, I have no stories of the people who created me. Do I look like my dad, my mom? I'll probably never know in this life. I'm okay with that, it's more of an interest, not an obsession. So, I don't think I'll be utilizing the "Finding Your Doppelganger" option, and if there is someone out there that looks like me, I hope they're having a great life.

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