Saturday, February 6, 2021

Experiencing Technology...Through The Generations

 Over the years of writing a blog, certain topics seem to rise to the top. Stuff like family, sunsets, VWs, thrift-store shopping always find their way into a blog post. Another one is technology.

I just sit back and am amazed at the incredible time in which we live.

This afternoon my mother-in-law dropped in so we could participate in a zoom call. The purpose of the call was to introduce to everyone to my mom-in-law's newest great-grandbaby. Thanks to 2020 Zoom and teleconference calls are so everyday, we hardly think about what we're actually able to do. So much so, some of the younger great-grandbabies complained because of all the Zoom meetings they've had, and they're just kids.

During a lull in the video call, I brought up how wonderful it is to be able to watch multiple families spread across the country communicate in real time. I said to my mom-in-law that we used to call people and have a conversation--audible only when we needed to share information like this. She reminded me that for her generation, a phone call was an advancement. In her day, it wasn't being able to watch everyone on TV, or even over the phone, she said they used to read a letter with a photograph of a new family edition.

Times have changed, indeed.

When I think about what we can do today, I am reminded of my father. 2024 will be one-hundred years since my father was born. He only lived to see just under half of those years. I sometimes try and think of the way we live now and see it through his eyes...what would he think about our modern life?

Today, we were joined by four generations, three in our front room. And the miracle of technology allowed us to share the experience together. 



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