Monday, April 8, 2024


 Last week my wife and I drove down to Salt Lake for lunch. We'd eaten at this particular restaurant before, the original Red Iguana, but we have not been there in years. I'm going to blog about the reason for the lunch later, because that reason is amazing. Today, I wanted to show you what the front of the building looks like...

Or, doesn't look like.

I think in every city in every state--maybe in every country--someone decides to take a thousand bumper stickers and cover their car with them, to the point the original color of the car is hidden. If they do this to attract attention, at least for me, it works. I always check out the car and if I'm close enough, I'll try and recognize any of the stickers. With enough time, I know I'll see some of the stickers from places I know.

Same with the windows and door at the Red Iguana.

I could look at the front of the restaurant for a long time. Just looking at the pictures I took, I want to see where the stickers came from. Since it appears this is a home-grown movement created by patrons and passersby, I'll bet people have traveled all over the world and when they're there, they think about picking up a bumper sticker to add to the restaurant's collection.

I have no idea how many stickers are on the walls and door...there must be thousands. So many people expressed themselves by adding to the collection. And since the restaurant has allowed people to participate, the restaurant is expressing themselves as well.

The end result, is a sight to see.

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