Friday, April 19, 2024

Prepping For Spring Projects... many project, so few weekends.

Tomorrow we're going to try something new. We have animal issues in our backyard. One issue is cats...not ours, we had two when we moved and now have none. No, it's the neighborhood cats giving us fits. They consider our garden beds their own private litter boxes.

Though unsettling as this is on its own, the second animal issue is our dog. You see, the dog knows a cat's been in his territory, and the dog finds the cat's "gifts." Then, well...I'd rather not say what the dog does with those gifts. Needless to say, it causes problems for the whole family.

We need preventative measures.

Hence, a new project.

My wife and I went shopping today to figure out a way to keep the dog out of the garden. It would be great if we could keep the cats away as well, but cats are adept at getting into places they should not be. We walked around Lowes looking a various things and imaging how they could work. We have a plan. Tomorrow we'll see if it works.

If we can pull it off, it's going to be fantastic. Usually, similar projects we try like this work as intended (to some degree...). Let's hope it works better than we hoped.

Time will tell.

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