Sunday, July 14, 2024

Give Thanks...Passing Heirlooms Along

 I snapped a picture today of my son sitting with his son at a family heirloom...the spinet piano. My oldest, the first of three of our children to take piano lessons, still remembers how to play and read music. He sat on the bench, hefted his little one on his lap, and plunked out a melody or two as his son watched, and later participated.

Yes, the grandson still wore remnants of a previous meal (or two...), but it was a beautiful shot.

The piano is from my wife's side of the family. We grew up with a similar piano in our house. My mom played. My brother and sister took lessons. I took accordion lessons...similar, but different. Our piano went to my little sister after my mom passed away. I'm not sure what happened to it after my sister died, but I'm guessing it's still with her daughter.

The piano in our house will be passed down. Once my son gets a home of their own, they'll inherit it allowing for yet another generation to hopefully play it and make memories of their own. By the time it goes to another generation, my wife and I will most likely be gone.

I'm thankful for those heirlooms, for things that one generation purchased or built, that others can enjoy and cherish. I don't believe people buy pianos today like they used to. Time was every house had a piano, at least every house around here. Time changes things. You check the classifieds now and people are literally giving them away. No, we didn't play the piano as much as we could have or should have, but it's a beautiful piece of furniture that hopefully, generations will appreciate for years and years.

I loved watching my grandson watch me as I captured the moment. I'd like to think he'll sit on that bench and do the same thing with his first child. 

That's a wonderful thought.

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