Sunday, July 28, 2024

Give Thanks...The View Eleven Years Ago

 This photo popped up in my social media memories (okay, it was Facebook...). Eleven years.

A lot has changed.

You could not replicate this photo even if you tried. First of all, the amusement park in the distance no longer has that skyline. They've added to it. Now, a ride called Cannibal towers over the Ferris Wheel. The trees you see in front of the rides have changed, too. There are now homes where the trees used to be and many of those pines are gone.

Speaking of trees, where we once had an incredible western views, the trees planted on that side of the house grew taller. We felt like we were being surrounded by trees. Normally, this isn't a bad thing, but when it slowly removes one of the advantages of living on a hillside, it makes a difference.

Still, I miss those sunsets. I enjoyed them for five decades while living on that street. The island, the lake (when it was there...) all added up to some spectacular views.

I'm thankful for those views, for the amusement park, the trees, the sunsets that made those memories. I'm thankful for the beautiful world I'm fortunate enough to experience and enjoy. I'm thankful I was able to call that street and mountainside home, a place where I grew up, learned so many things.

Eleven years...

So much has changed.

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