Wednesday, February 17, 2021

On A Hill...Overlooking A Valley...Eggli's Pine Trees Still Grow

 It was my wife that told me about the place. "Did you know there's an abandoned Christmas Tree Farm just down the road?" I, in fact, did not know there was an abandoned Christmas Tree Farm just down the road. I don't know what I was expecting when I finally drove by, but not that. 

Seeing a hillside full of trees isn't uncommon, though a group of pine trees this large is usually found in higher elevations. If the aging sign with the faded paint were missing, I would have driven past the trees and not thought much about it.

It's the sign that tells the story...

It's the sign that denotes a mystery.

We're new to the area. Ask me about events from the past fifty years in the town we left, there's a good chance I know something about it. Here...I know practically nothing. Seeing the trees and the sign sends my mind spinning. What happened to the business? Was there a family situation that caused the business to close? Did someone retire and no one wanted to take over? In the end, was it just too much work for the return?

So many questions.

What fascinates me is that the trees still grow. Even though they are no longer harvested and new trees planted to replace those sold, the trees don't care. They grow as a testament to life. They exist because there was once a time when they were capital and now they live as if to tell us humans that they survived...they persevered...

They won.

Maybe we'll be here long enough to see the next chapter in the abandoned trees. But, even if we don't, considering the story--the mystery, has been most interesting.

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