Wednesday, February 10, 2021

RM's From Denmark...If You Think You Remember Your Danish, Watch "The Investigation"

 I returned home from the incredible land of Denmark in 1987...that's thirty-four years ago. I only lived there twenty-two months, but I spoke Danish every day. There are times when I think I can still remember the language.

Then, reality smacks me upside the head.

On HBO there's a short series called, The Investigation. Though the subject matter is horrible, I was interested in watching the series for several reasons. First, it's a crime story, one which we know the outcome, it's a true story, and it's in Danish...not people speaking English, but Danish actors, filmed in Denmark, speaking Dansk.

The series begins--episode one. The main character, Jens Møller Jensen (played by Søren Malling...) appeared on screen. 

And then he spoke...

And I had no idea what he said.

To be fair, the actor mumbled a little, and this was everyday conversation within the walls of a police station. When I lived in the country I didn't spend a lot of time with the police (thank goodness...). No, my focus was on a different crowd using different language for different situations.

I've often wondered how I would fair if I returned. I know I would be okay because Danes speak English better than many of us. I would like to think I could once again communicate in their mother tongue. Watching a show like this reminded me that maybe I didn't have the command of the language I thought I did. And I'm okay with that. Those with whom I spoke to understood me. What more could I ask for?

Only two of the six episodes are available so far. The series is expertly done. Though slow, it's as fascinating as the subject matter is horrific, truly awful. I admit, as I watched the first two, I understood more and more of the dialogue, so maybe by the end of the series, I might think I can speak Danish all over again.

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