Monday, January 8, 2024

In Search For The (Almost...) Perfect Danish

 I've been on a Danish kick lately, and I'm not talking about the pastry. Last week I met up with some of my Danish missionaries. Christmastime takes me back to the country as well. And when I see fireworks on New Year Eve at midnight, I remember watching a bunch of drunk Danes almost blow off various body parts on New Years Eve in Copenhagen as they lit incredibly dangerous fireworks off as they rang in the new year.

But, this post is about food, specifically Danish pastry..sometimes called danish.

It's funny. After we returned from living in Denmark, you never look at pastry the same. Yes, there's some excellent desserts in America, but it's sort of like thinking about good American cars and comparing them to what they make in Germany. Except it's Denmark not Germany and pastry not cars.

When we used to get together in the years after our time in Denmark, we'd talk about how much we missed the food. Sometimes someone would chime in about a bakery somewhere that had good Danish pastry. The follow up response was always, "it's good, but not ægte." We were good at spotting non-genuine attempts.

My friend and fellow Danish missionary posted on social media today about a place in Salt Lake that is trying to create delicious food for all of us. There's a Denmark connection as well. The owner was married to another former Danish missionary, a friend who passed away during covid. It's called Deliciously Flaked...great name. You can find out more about the company by clicking on their website: HERE. I've recommended products and books I haven't tried before. I feel good doing it for this business because it will help out a friend's family.

I know many of us had our own pastry favorites, but one that eludes bakeries here is something called a Trekant. It's basically a big triangle pastry covered with chocolate and filled with cream. You almost never see them over here. Deliciously Flaked sells them. Next time I'm down south, I'm going to give it a try.

Always in search for the (almost...) perfect Danish.

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