Friday, March 2, 2018

Giving Plottr A Chance...

A few weeks ago I attended a writing conference. I wasn't on any panels, but I did spend and entire day in the vendor room trying to sell my books. 

I've spent a lot of time in vendor rooms at conventions. You get to recognize many of the other vendors. Books, jewelry, music, even a masseuse were there, all trying to attract potential buyers. But there was a new vendor there this time, just across the aisle from where we had set up shop.

As you do when people aren't at your booth, you look around and watch the other vendors. I noticed many people visiting Plottr.

I surmised it had something to do with writing. They set up two computers and almost everyone who walked by sat down and test drove the program. Normally, I'm leery of things that seem to promise so much. A writing software program--there's so many out there and some very expensive ones. I'm sure they would help my writing, to some extent, but a program can only do so much.

Eventually, I took my turn in the driver's seat and checked out the program. It's from a local developer. The best way they described it was the software replaces a system where stories are plotted using sticky notes on a wall. I can see why so many writers were excited at the prospect. You can access their website: HERE.

Today I downloaded a trial copy. I know it's been a few days since my demonstration, but it looks confusing I'll have to figure it out. I need help me--I'm not usually a plotter. I know I should be. I believe I could get so much more written if I did. Hopefully, this little program will help.

I'll let you know.

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