Friday, April 28, 2023

Going To Build A Wedding Arch...Never Made One Before

 There are things in life that when you go through them, you forget stuff. For example, whenever we brought home a new baby, I remembered certain things. I remembered the feedings, the changing of diapers, but what I always forgot was how much sleep we did not get.

It always slipped my mind, until, of course, from the day we brought them home, I remembered sleep would be a much coveted commodity. 

In our family, we're preparing for a wedding. I've forgotten just how much there is to do to properly prepare for a wedding. Truth be told, we don't have a lot of experience planning weddings. There was the the wedding of my wife and I, but that occurred more than three decades ago. Then, a few years ago our oldest son got married.

Preparing for a wedding as the groom's parents is much different than preparing for a wedding as the bride's parents...

A world of difference.

My daughter wants a wedding arch...not an unusual or extravagant request. We could rent one or buy one, but both options would cost more than if we just built our own. We priced lumber at our local hardware store, did a little math, and we're going to do it. 

I think it'll be a fun project. We need input from the daughter, naturally, to make it like she wants it, or at least like she wants it with our budget.

Building a wedding assured, I won't forget doing in the future.

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