Thursday, April 27, 2023

Some People Want To Watch The World Burn...And Others Want A Clean Garage

 From my office window, I have an excellent view of my neighbors yard. Not that I'm stalking, but I notice things from time to time. We all have our little things we do, things that may seem perfectly normal to some, strange to others. My neighbor likes to keep his garage clean, and by clean, I mean, at least once a year they unload everything in the garage, clean it, then put everything back.

I'm kind of jealous, really.

I'll bet when everything is put back into place, they know everything that's inside. I'll bet they never have to search for anything--they just go right to the thing they're looking for and pick it up. What a concept. Point is, it's important for them to do this on an annual basis. It's something they do.

We could do the same thing, clear out and clean our garage every year. It would definitely help organize our stuff. I'd love to be able to know not only what's in our garage, but where it is. It would save so much time. And if we continued that same methodology throughout the entire house?

What a concept.

Watching them work, I thought of something. When my neighbor's kids grow up, there's a good chance they'll follow their parent's example and clean out their garage. Their spouses might wonder why they're doing what they're doing as there is a good chance their spouses did not grow up with that tradition. And they'll say, "My folks cleaned out their garage every year...just something we did. I like it, because I know exactly what's in the garage and where to find it."

And the spouse will agree, it's great.

And their children will grow up following the tradition.

That's just how life is, sometimes...they just want a clean garage.

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