Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Keeping It Simple...

Things were a little different for us this year.

We kept things simple.

Maybe it's a sign of the times, at least, the sign of our family's times. We're not empty nesters, but we do have adult children. That makes a difference. They are making their own money and they can buy presents for each other...many times better presents than they get from their parents.

That's something I can get behind.

Earlier this month we took our three youngest (and a spouse...) to Southern California for a week. We told them that the trip was part of their Christmas from us. They were fine with that. Works for us, too. So, when we came back, we looked at the budget and picked up only a few things. 

Another wrinkle to our usual tradition is because we have married children, things now have to be scheduled. Turns out, this year it was easier for us to meet and celebrate our Christmas today, Boxing Day. Yes, I worked today and so did my oldest, but tonight we gathered, had an amazing meal, then opened a ton of presents. Like I said, it's fun to have kids who make their own money.

Because we got started later than usual this year, we also did less this year as far as outdoor decorations. We hauled up a festive streetlamp, a illuminated deer, and a little Christmas tree. Add a small nativity sign lighted by a bright light and that was it for outside. It's simple.

I love it.

In fact, that may be all we do going forward. I didn't put up any lights around the door or window or on the roof line. Fine by me. Anything that keeps me off a ladder is a good thing, especially as I get older.

It's been a simplified Christmas. It's been a wonderful Christmas. When you think about it, it's not really whether something is big or small, extravagant or plain, all that really matters is the people with whom you associate. And I'm surrounded by the best.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

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