Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A Completed Subaru...

 We had a a free day before we went home last week, so we decided to take a hours-long road trip north and west to Solvang, California.

Lovely town.

I've been to Solvang twice before, though I'd heard about it for years. "It's like a little Danish village in the mountains of California." I was excited to finally see visit. My first impression when my wife and I drove into the city...doesn't really look like a Danish town.

This isn't to say they haven't tried. There are European aspects here and there. Once I realized I wasn't going to re-live some of my most cherished memories of arriving in a small quaint Danish village, I accepted the town for what it is...a place to find some Danish stuff.

When we considered going, I thought about what I could pick up if we went. The pastry in town is delicious, but no matter how much they try, they can't match real ægte dansk weinerbrød. There was something, however, I didn't have that I've wanted since I bought my little Subaru almost four years ago.

A DK sticker.

The little international stickers are everywhere in Europe. Because you can travel to numerous counties in a single day, the stickers let everyone know where the car is from. It probably saves time and helps in communication and other issues. There's probably other practical reasons for the stickers...I don't know. I've always enjoyed having them on our cars. And I could have ordered them through Amazon, but where's the fun in that?

We drove to Solvang and I bought a sticker. When I got home, I cleaned off the back window, removed the backing, and stuck it on. The car's now complete.

There's not a lot of cars with DK stickers on this side of the Atlantic, but it's fun when you see a car drive by with one of those stickers on it. And now, my car's one of those, too.

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