Saturday, December 24, 2016

Illuminating The Season...

Years ago, my cousin held an annual Christmas Eve family get-together. We'd go to her house and bring a soup or stew or some other kind of food item. We'd all hang out in their family room, eat until we were stuffed and have a fantastic time. Of course, the experience wouldn't be complete without getting in our cars and driving around the neighborhoods to see the decorated homes and yards and to also see the Luminaries. Luminaries, if you don't know, are basically tea candles in paper bags. Alone a single Luminary is not too impressive, having an entire neighborhood lined with Luminaries spaced only a few feet apart is.

So much has changed since we used to go to my cousin's house in the mid-2000s. People are no longer with us, families have expanded, but we've tried to at least gather on Christmas Eve for soups, games, and fun. This year, we had a get-together and we wondered if those neighborhoods still put out their Luminaries. We decided to find out.

The answer is, yes, they do. However, by the time we drove by, most of the paper sacks were slumped over and soggy from the rain/snow, their candles long since extinguished. We did, however, see many wonderfully decorated homes.

My son suggested we drive to a house in Centerville that had a display timed to music. It was the last stop of our adventure, the last Christmassy thing we did before returning home and getting ready for Santa's arrival. I decided to include photos of our indoor and outdoor lights and the one a few miles to the south where music and lights crated magic.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone, and if you're reading this tomorrow, Merry Christmas!

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