Friday, December 2, 2022

Poor Dusty...Where Are You Little Guy?

 They're in every small town shop, a community notification board. On it you'll find notifications of upcoming concerts, postings for cement work, landscaping, even running errands. Also, you'll find posting after posting having to do with animals. There's notices of new puppies and kittens (lots of puppies and kittens...) and sometimes you'll find a "Found" animal posting. Those aren't so bad, but many times you'll find the obligatory...

Lost Animal posts.

Those are the worst.

Last week I came across one I hadn't seen before, or if I had seen it, I hadn't noticed it. On the flyer we meet Dusty, a Goldust Yorkie (with what I'm guessing is a look on his fact that does not reflect the dog's true demeanor...) that went missing from what I can tell is the end of September. That's a long time to be missing. Things don't look well for Dusty or for his extremely worried owners.

I wish I could help. I wish I knew where Dusty is or where he went. I wish I could tell them that their beloved pet has been found and a reunion would take place soon.

But, unfortunately, sometimes the dog doesn't come back, the flyer with the photo of the lost animal fails to find the lost friend. That's life...for every happy ending, there are many that don't turn out so well. And, considering the poster was still hanging on the community notification board at the end of November...well, I'm guessing this story is one of the latter.

We visit the store at least once a week. Next time we'll go shopping, I'll look to see if the Dusty notice is still hanging in the top right corner. If it is, there's still hope, but if it's gone, then either Dusty has been found or the heartbroken owners have stopped looking. If it's gone, soon another notice will take its place, another lost animal's picture will appear with similar words underneath. 

I hope when that notice is pinned up on the board, there'll be a happy ending.

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