Saturday, October 26, 2019

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...Halloween

I only included one picture, though I could have added more. As I drive around the neighborhoods in my small(ish) town, I see more and more homes decked-out in Halloween garb. Maybe it's not more homes, no more than usual, or maybe there's even fewer homes decorated. It seems like more. I hope it is.

I came across a rather large spiderweb this morning. I stopped and snapped a picture. Gary did a fine job--it couldn't have been easy. It made me wonder why there aren't more elaborate outdoor (and, indoor...) displays.

You know, more like Christmas.

Christmas seems to be the standard by which all other decorating is measured.

I wonder if Halloween will get closer in the coming years.

We decorate our home. We don't go all out. We decorate for Halloween less than we do for Christmas. And we've been known to decorate on Halloween day-something we'd never consider for Christmas.

Seeing Halloween decorations warms my heart, which is a good thing when the temperature begins to fall. So, when it's beginning to look a lot like Halloween, that's a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely a fun time of year! I love seeing fall colors and decorations go up.
