Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Because Of The Internet...I Got No-Bake Cheesecake

 Yup, tonight my wife and I had a delicious dessert--No-Bake Cheesecake--and I have, in large part, the internet to thank for it.

My wife got the recipe from a YouTuber she follows. It took little time to make and it tastes wonderful. But, it was due to the internet that caused it to happen.

I think we take for granted just how much our lives have changed due to a system to interlink computers. Pre-internet life wasn't dissimilar in many ways. Back then, a person most likely heard about a new recipe from a friend, magazine, or quite possibly, a morning television news program. If the interest was strong enough, the person would need to do a little work to actually get the recipe, be it copying  it from somewhere, or buying it from somewhere. Point is, there were steps one had to take to get the recipe.

Now, click a few keys on a keyboard and the world is your oyster, or in this case, your cheesecake recipe. Of course, part of the process is not all that dissimilar than it was before. You follow the instructions and if done correctly, you get a finished product. The reason I believe the internet provided me this tasty treat tonight is because without the internet we most likely would not have known about the cheesecake and therefore, not made it.

I've often wondered what life would be like if the digital revolution were to go away. It's possible--highly possible that one day we could wake up and none of our computers work. On thing I am certain, however. Even if that happens, we'll not stop making desserts...they might not be new and exciting, but I'm sure they'll still taste great.

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