Friday, February 9, 2024

Who Is Dan Aslett And Why Is He So Clean...?

 When we were looking to move, we traveled several times the hour north on the way to Northern Utah. Once you pass the third Brigham City exit, there's a billboard advertising The Museum of Clean in Pocatello, Idaho. It's a couple of hours driving on I-15. When I first saw the ad, I laughed at the prospect...a museum dedicated to the art of cleaning.

We're still going to get up there one of these days.

Closer to home, there's a store in Logan dedicated to cleaning. The name Don Aslett is on the marquee. Maybe it's because I haven't done a lot of cleaning in my life. I did not know Don Aslett. Apparently, he's done amazing things.

The man is a business giant, an author of 40 books, and a seminar king. From what I learned when my wife and I went inside the store, Don has spent his life trying to make cleaning as effective as possible. I took a picture of the storefront and posted it on social media. Many of my friends commented on the store, and Don's books. Heck, even visiting the store once I learned how to better clean my own house.

Don retired a few years back--good for him. He's left his mark and hopefully, made the world a better and cleaner place.

It's nice to see how hard work and dedication can pay off. The museum was founded by Mr. Aslett and seems a fitting tribute to his work and passion. Yes, we're going to visit one day. I'm sure I'll learn even more about the man and how to clean.

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