Monday, February 12, 2024

Sometimes...You Win The Little Battles


Friday we found ourselves out and about running errands. When you're driving and you stop a half a dozen businesses (or more...) in a day, you end up parking in some good spots, some not-so-good spots, and some terrible ones. But, every once in a while, you get lucky and strike gold, or in this case, that coveted "closest possible parking place to the business front door" parking place.

It happened on Friday. 


I know it's a small victory, one of the smallest, really. If we had parked even one spot farther from the entrance, I most likely wouldn't have given it a second thought. My philosophy is you hope for the best and see what drops in your lap.

Funny how life is full of little battles. Why is it guessing an answer on Jeopardy, when the correct response eludes the three smart people on the show, bring a moment of joy? Why does finding a $5 bill in the pocket of an old jacket make your day? How can a puppy coming up to you when you're walking on the street, his tail wagging and wanting to meet you bring a smile to your face?

These little battles...sometimes they make all the difference.

I suppose parking so close didn't really make that much of a difference. It saved us a couple of steps, only seconds in real time. In the grand scheme of the universe, it didn't change anything. Still, I was excited enough to smile at our good fortune and snap a picture of the event. win the little battles.

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