Wednesday, June 2, 2021

I Just Wanted To Watch The Soccer Game...

 The goal was a simple one, at least, I thought it was. I knew the US Mens National Soccer Team was playing a friendly match with Switzerland. I should say right here, that I've written before on this blog that we live in the most amazing time. The mere fact that I can go anywhere...almost anywhere...and watch a soccer game from anywhere on the planet blows my mind.

So, when the game came on, I picked up my phone and pulled up the app. I clicked on the option for the game I wanted, and I got...


A blank screen.

At first, I thought there was a problem with the app. It happens, so I tried clicking the screen. At first, no change--the screen stayed black, but eventually, the screen shrunk and I had a picture-in-picture thing going on. "Well, that's weird," I said. I was actually able to watch the game on the tiny screen. The small picture had an option to expand, so I touched the expand button...

The black screen returned.

I thought I'd ditch the app and try and find the game on TV. But when I chose the game, something else popped up...a college softball game. I couldn't figure out why a college softball game would be on instead of the soccer game. I found out later that it was a playoff game, so important.

Part of the deal we have by living in such an amazing time is we expect everything to work flawlessly. I'm sure the app not working correctly and the wrong game playing on the channel were just things that happen. There's got to a million things that have to work so that I can get my little game on my little phone and we only notice when something doesn't go exactly as it should.

Eventually, the softball game ended and the soccer game was broadcasted on the correct channel, so all was right with the world...

Except the US team lost.


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