Friday, June 25, 2021

Still Finding What's New...Driving Home

In a few days it will be nine months since the move and we're still finding things that are new. Each holiday has been a new adventure, each season change, each sunrise and sunset in different places. I did not expect to find changes in our family vacation.

I mean, we were leaving home to spend time out of state.

But, as we drove home, I realized it was another thing for us to "get used to."

We don't take a lot of family trips, but when we do, we drive. We've driven to Idaho the most, then California, and Washington State. This time we drove to the Golden State. We returned on Monday, driving straight through. Normally, we'll pass Fillmore and I think, "We're almost to Utah County. That means we're close." Then when we reach Salt Lake City, we're so close to home you can almost see the house.

Not this time.

This time, when we reached Fillmore, then Provo, then Salt Lake City, we still had another hour+ of traveling until we reached our new would be a while until we could almost see the house. That's when I realized, that's another change we've got to get used to. I suppose we experience the same thing on the way out of town, but to be honest, we left just after 4am and we were all pretty out of it for the first couple of house.

I write a lot about these changes--I guess when you live on the same street for half a century (pretty much...), moving takes some adjusting. Looks like I'm still "adjusting." However, when we travel north, or northwest, the reverse will take place. We'll reach Burley then Snowville and we'll be almost there. We'll reach Pocatello then Malad and we'll be almost there. I can get used to those changes.

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