Monday, June 7, 2021

Things A Hat Might Tell You...If A Hat Could Speak

 If you do an image search for businessmen attire in the first half of the twentieth century, there's a good chance those businessmen were wearing hats...

I wonder if they even liked hats.

I don't think it mattered either way. Men wore hats, bowlers, fedoras, porkpies, panamas, to name a few. They were as integral to a man's wardrobe as a tie or a white shirt or even shoes.

Times have changed.

And, personally, I'm sad...I LOVE those hats.

But, I like hats in general, for both fashion, but mostly practical reasons. I've mentioned on this blog many times that I wear hats in the winter to keep my head warm and in the summer to keep my skin from burning off. Hats are also integral to my wardrobe. Take, for example, the hat I wear working in the yard. We're now in summer and that means higher temperatures brought on by more sun. I wore my hat last week as we moved rocks--lots of rocks--for landscaping in our front lawn. And when laundry day came around, I tossed in the hat so it could be returned to its original clean state.

That was needed.

If my yard work hat could speak, it might say it appreciated being outside, but I may be pushing it a bit. And it would definitely want to be washed more. I'll try to accommodate it in the future. Heck...I'd like it to stay clean and pristine in the garage. My many baseball hats might accuse me of favoritism (which I definitely am...I like hats that are red and sport a big "U" on them...). I have a couple of hats I wear in the winter, but since I've been working from home, I haven't been standing on a platform in a blizzard waiting for the train to come, and therefore, not needing my winter hats. They're probably the most mad at me...

And would have the most to say.

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