Sunday, July 24, 2022

Give Thanks...All That Hard Hard Work

 I came across a video today on Facebook. Interestingly enough, today is the day which the State of Utah honors those who first settled this land 175 years ago. It's called Pioneer Day, or Days of '47. Growing up in Utah, we learned all about the pioneers that were kicked out of Illinois and Missouri and eventually the United States. They travelled west until they stopped in a desert valley by a dead lake.

The video showed craftsmen assembling a wheel. I haven't done any research on the subject but I imagine this is how wagon wheels were made back in the day. As I watched, I was amazed at how hard it was to put those wheels together. 

We live in such incredible times. We drive vehicles infinitely more complex than that wheel, mostly assembled by robots and computers, and we think nothing of it as we fly down the road at speeds unobtainable centuries ago.

Today I'm grateful for those craftsman who made it possible for people to travel across the continent. They set up communities and societies that changed the world. I am in awe of their talents, those who lived hundreds of years ago, and those who carry on those skills today.

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