Saturday, June 19, 2021

A Writer Friend's House Sign...

 Hands down, getting to know other authors is one of the best things about being involved in a writing community. Over the years, I've met so many writers--some, I've gotten to know quite well, others, I've met only a few times. Thanks to social media, I can follow them equally. One author I met not too often was from Colorado. He was attending the Salt Lake Comic Con (if could have been FanX, though...). I remember him being a very nice person...

Not unusual for a writer.

The other day he posted a picture, which fascinated me. It was about soliciting and Jesus. And it brought back a lot of memories.

Years ago, I was on a LDS mission, basically combining both those things...soliciting and Jesus. We actually went door-to-door trying to spread the good word message. Because of the area we were in, we were not very successful, as far as actually discussing Jesus. It was hard, but it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. It changed my life.

When I saw my friend's picture, I thought back about when I was knocking on doors on my mission. I can think of very few--if any--of the people we contacted who would have that particular sign on their door. Nope. No way. The last thing they'd hang outside their door was that sign. Just thinking about that gave me a new-found respect for my friend. Most people have "No Soliciting" signs to avoid not only door-to-door salespeople, but religious people as well. If he has that on his door, well...he's in for some discussions. I know if I saw that sign when I was serving, I'd have made a B-line to his door.

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