Sunday, May 28, 2023

Give Thanks...For Second Chances

 May 2023 has been a crazy month. We're preparing for a wedding in just under three weeks, and that has taken so much of our time and brain-power. Earlier in the month I wrote two short stories and submitted them for anthologies. Haven't heard back on either of them. I have no illusions as to my chances, but I had a blast writing them.

I saw another call for stories. This time, it's dogs and science fiction/fantasy. I didn't have a story written, or even thought of one, but I wrote a novel about a dog in space...maybe I could do something with that. I opened a browser page with the submission information on it and then...

Forgot about it.

I opened the browser page on a Monday. The contest ended the Friday before. I missed it. Bummer. Then, as if a very specific prayer was answered, the submission contest opened again.


I'm a few thousand words into what should be a 4-5k story. I've set up the beginning and introduced the story's major conflict. The contest ends Tuesday, the 30th. I've got two days (minus a family party tomorrow...) to get it done.

I'm grateful for the second chance. As with the other stories, I have no idea my chances, assuming I finish the story in time. I'm grateful for opportunities that are out there. I'm grateful for people who are taking chances with art and allowing others to participate. I'll let you all know how it goes.

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