Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Well, There's Your Problem Right There...

 Every year, without fail, I'm forced to remember things I once knew but apparently have forgotten. I'm talking about yardwork, but with me and my age, it could be anything.

I work at a job where we're supposed to know literal volumes of information in order to do the job correctly. It's so much to learn and retain that many times after I've learned it, it may not be remained. Of course, I'm usually reminded that I've forgotten something when I do it wrong and it's found out I did it wrong. Then, my aging brain searches for that time when I learned that particular tidbit of knowledge I somehow forgot and wonder why I failed to recall it when needed.

The same thing happened to me today. We live in an area that has four seasons, meaning, we have snow in the winter and hot temperatures in the summer. Because of this, we shut down our sprinkling system in the fall and resurrect it each spring. I remember being told when we put in the system that the secondary/irrigation water is not clean--not by a long shot. We have a filtration system to remove the gunk and silt that's in the lines. The water was turned on a few weeks ago.

I noticed the pressure in our lines was low and I couldn't figure out why. 

Then I remembered.

The filter.

There's your problem right there.

Cleaning out the filter it reminded me of when I forget things at work and probably other places that I haven't yet remembered I've forgotten.

I guess I'm getting old.

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