Saturday, June 10, 2023

Choosing A Daddy Daughter Dance...

 I Hope You Dance

Forever Young



Time After Time

We're sitting in our living room as dusk sets on our little corner of the world trying to choose a song...a song that will be played in less than a week, a song to continue a tradition between father and daughter for generations...

The Daddy Daughter Dance at the daughter's wedding.

It's getting close.

We've got to make a choice.

I love music, as do billions of other people. I'm no scientist, but I believe humans react to music in such a way because our bodies operate on wavelengths similar to those found in music. Though maybe not exactly like that, there must be something between music and people that affects them on a deeper level. How else do you explain that urge to jump up and boogie when certain music hits you?

This is just one song. There's other songs that need choosing before the big day/afternoon/night. We'll make decisions and the music will ring throughout the hall. It will affect each of us differently, as it should...we all react in our own unique way to outside stimuli. And when the time comes, I'll take my daughter's hand and lead her onto the floor and we'll begin moving as music mixes with words. It will be beautiful and poignant and tender and sad and lovely all at once...

Such is the power of music...

And the choice of a Daddy Daughter Dance.

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