Saturday, June 24, 2023

If We Had Known It Would Be That Easy...We'd Have Fixed It Sooner

 Back in March I went outside to see the temporary mailbox we installed back when first moved in was no longer vertical. It had become horizontal.

We still don't know what happened to it. We thought someone had hit it with their car, but we saw no tire tracks in the  snow, nor did we see any footprints. It remains a family mystery to this day. Because we didn't have a new one, I went outside armed with a PVC pipe, a block of wood, and some Gorilla tape and "fixed" the broken mailbox.

The result was not good.

But, it was good enough for the mail carriers to have a place to put our mail.

Fast forward four months--almost to the day--and we have a nice shiny new mailbox proudly standing in front of our house.

It took a while, but we finally bought a new mailbox and post. They sat in our garage for about a month, or maybe longer. It's hard to know because for the past several months we've been planning a wedding. That seemed to take up all our brainpower. Now, the wedding's over and we did't have to plan anything. Yesterday, I thought I'd tackle the project.

It turned out great, and had I known how easy it was, I would have done it sooner...

Or, I'd like to think I would.

The old post was set in place with rocks...big rocks, yes, but rocks nonetheless. This time, we found a box of concrete-like stuff we bought years ago for the other mailbox. We felt we needed to use it this time. Another lesson learned...the project wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. If only everything could have the same outcome.

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