Monday, April 25, 2022

As The Cat's World Turns...

If you own pets, there will surely come times when life throws you a curve ball. The most pets we've had at the same time under our roof was four, two cats and two dogs. When we lost our little dog--our family's first pet--we didn't replace her. That was not the case when we lost one of our cats. Within a few weeks, we rescued a tiny kitten and brought him home.

A lot has happened since then. The tiny kitten grew...

And grew...

And grew. He's now close to twenty pounds--a force to be reconned with.

Last fall, a case of the sniffles visited our family (it's happened to a lot of people...). After we all recovered, something changed. The no-longer-small-ball-of-fur was causing problems. It seems we were more allergic to the cat than before.

We then were faced with a decision...we either move the cat downstairs or find a new home for him. The downstairs option didn't work out because of our older, more "bullying" cat who had already claimed the basement as his domain...not an option. A few weeks ago, our older cat passed away. We discussed putting our remaining cat downstairs, but we weren't sure. We still had some issues to resolve.

We thought about other option, the "finding him a new home" option. Since last fall, I posted about our cat on this blog--no takers. We put up flyers at our local grocery stores--no takers, until last Friday. I got a text asking if we still had our cat. We said we did. The text-er wanted to drop by Saturday to take him home and see if he could get along with their other cat.

When that text came in, we wondered again if we wanted him gone. Of course, we didn't, but we thought maybe it would be the best if we found him a new home.

Saturday came, the text-er did not. We decided to put the cat downstairs. Last night was his first night in the basement. We weren't sure how he'd do, but he weathered the change better than I thought he would. Today he did even better. None of us like change, including cats. We're hoping this works out. We sure like having him around...just not as close as before.

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