Friday, April 22, 2022

Maybe Money Does Grow On...And From...Trees

 Last year, we conducted an experiment. At the time, we didn't call it an experiment, nor did we think of it as such, but that's what it was. We were experiencing our first spring in a new land and we wanted to plant some trees.

For Round 1, the first tree we planted did not survive. Truth be told, it was probably dead/dying when we put it in the ground. Our Round 2, we bought three small fruit trees and asked the experts at the nursery what we did wrong in Round 1 and how to keep the new trees alive for Round 2.

We planted three trees. They survived the first year, which I would think would be the toughest year for a newly planted tree. It's been so much fun seeing the blossoms, watching bees buzz around them, and looking forward to a small, but wonderful harvest.

This spring, we've visited a nursery or two. We've even considered picking up another fruit tree to add to our humble orchard...

Don't think we're going to be doing that.

Not because we don't have the room or great places to plant more trees, but because of the cost. My wife checked out trees similar to the three we planted last year and the cost floored her. We paid around $100 for the three trees last year. This spring, one tree begins at $75. It made me worry (just a little bit...) that someone might come along and dig them up and steal them out of our front yard. I know it's a silly thought, but that's what went through my head when I saw the trees in my yard and heard how much they cost now.

Of course, it's not just trees that have gone up...everything has. I don't believe it's going to stop any time soon, either. We probably won't be adding trees this year, maybe next year or the year after that. I love having fruit trees--glad we have our three.

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