Saturday, April 16, 2022

Have You Ever Tried A Jalapeño Fritter? I Did This Morning...

At one of our local grocery stores they have what they call, "Fritter Friday." It's basically what it sounds like...on Fridays they have fritters on sale. I have taken advantage of Fritter Friday on many occasions. I'll buy five fritters and have then for breakfast for five days...five breakfasts for at grand total of $2.50.

If you also want to participate in Fritter Friday, you'll need to arrive within a reasonable hour on Friday. We've bought them in the mornings and the early afternoons, but if you go to the store in the late afternoon or evening, well...Fritter Friday will be over for you for another week.

Such was the case yesterday. We had errands to run earlier in the day so we arrived at the store around 5pm. The first thing we looked at when we walked in was the glass shelves where the fritters usually are. 

We saw none. 


But, ever the optimist, my wife suggested I ask if all the fritters were gone. Being the dutiful husband, I followed my wife's suggestion and asked.

"Any fritters left?"

The young bakery employee said, "We have jalapeño fritters."

"Say again?"

"All we have are jalapeño fritters."

Apparently, it's a thing. I asked a follow-up. "Are they any good?"

"I've never actually tried one myself," she said. Hardly a vote of confidence.

The two things...the sweet deliciousness of a fritter with the sharp hot spices of the jalapeño pepper...the shouldn't go together...they can't go together, but in this part of the country (and maybe others as well, I don't know...) they put jalapeños in fritters.

I walked away, but something nagged at me. I returned and put a fritter in the bag, paid for it, and brought it home. I had to know how they tasted.

This morning, I dug out the fritter and gave it a shot. It was, in a word, interesting. It tasted exactly how I thought it would taste. The sweet was there and it was still delicious. Then, that hot spicy would hit and remain. There's something wrong about having a dessert that makes your eyes water. And I usually love jalapeños in stuff.

I finished the meal. I ended up puling some of the larger chunks of pepper out of the fritter to make it more palatable. I know I'm not "up" on much of the popular trends, but I doubt I'd ever imagine someone would look at a fritter and a jalapeño pepper and think those two things should go together. Chances are, I'll probably not be reliving that particular adventure any time soon.

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