Sunday, November 19, 2023

Give Thanks...For A Video Game?

I've blogged about it before...once, back when my son's artwork showed up in a real life, actual, "able to purchase" video game. The game's called Fruit Salad, and I finally got to play it.

Darn MacBooks!

Sorry, scratch that. It's not the MacBook...well, actually it is. The game came out and they had to do a little more work to get it up and running on my Mac. Tonight was the first time it actually worked and I got to play. I know I'm biased, but...

It's a great game!

I'm already addicted, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

We have four children, each have their strengths, and the opposite. Each have strong personalities. Each bring unlimited possibilities to the table. And since life seems to be racing--not walking, jogging, or running, but racing--by, for me it wasn't that long ago when my children were young, sneaking treats from the pantry and laughing at Spongebog Squarepants. When they're young, you're doing everything to keep them alive, but occasionally, I found myself wondering how they'd turn out, what they'd end up doing, where would they live, work, marry (if it's in the cards...)? If you told me fifteen years ago, what they'd be doing now, I'd have been shocked.

But, not overly. 

I know I'm biased, but they're great kids.

Plus, they're not done with their stories, with what they'll become, how they'll turn out, where they'll live, work, marry (half have already decided that question...). 

My son's game is available on Steam. Just search for, "Fruit Salad" and you'll find it. And, it's only a buck fifty to buy. I'm thankful to live long enough to see my children answer some of those questions. The game is just one of the things I'm proud of...there's so much more, things maybe only I see, things that will not change the world. I'm thankful to be their dad, and thankful to brag about them on this blog.

Give Fruit Salad a try. Maybe you'll get addicted, too.

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