Monday, February 19, 2024

Another Dog Story...This One Made Me Mad

We are once again helping a child learn to drive. It's a rite of passage and this will be our last time, unless we are fortunate enough to help the grandchildren (if we're still able to drive, that is...). The other day my son and I were driving south of town on the almost-empty roads when we spotted a dog.

Because we live in a sparsely-populated area the biggest threat while driving is animals, domesticated and otherwise. My son spotted the dog, a black and white husky, before I did. "There's a puppy." I looked up and spotted him as well, a beautiful dog lazily trotting down the road. We carefully negotiated around the dog and went on our merry way.

And, I forgot about the dog.

That is, until I spotted a notice in our town's local Facebook page. It's been a few days, but I remember the basics of the post. It asked if anyone knew the owner of a husky seen roaming the streets south of town. And it was the same dog. The post raised the possibility that the dog...

Was abandoned.

That's when I got mad.

The post said that several people had tried catching the dog so it wouldn't get killed running around on the county roads. Also, they wanted to bring it inside to keep it warm. Thank heavens for good-hearted people. The dog kept eluding them. Finally, someone was able to capture it and took it home until its owner could be found.

Turns out, no one came forward. Looks like it was abandoned after all.

A day or two passed. Another post showed up on Facebook. This time, however, the news was not bad...quite the opposite. Turns out someone saw the post and adopted the dog--the best news of all. From reading the comments of the earlier posts, it appears many people use the open fields as a dumping ground for unwanted animals. If only all the abandoned animals find their fortunes bettered like this one.

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