Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Voting Time...Time To Vote

 My, how things have changed.

It wasn't too long ago voting meant getting in your car, driving to the polls, standing in line until it's your turn to enter a little booth and cast your vote. I know that the percentage of people who vote is relatively small--especially in off-year elections. I always thought many people didn't vote because of the pain it was to get in your car, drive to the polls, stand in line, enter a booth, and cast a vote.

Now, it's so much simpler.

We got our ballots in the mail a few weeks back. Each person over eighteen received one. On Labor Day I filled out my ballot and yesterday (Election Day...) I got in my car, drove to the ballot drop box at the senior center, and dropped it off. Easy as one, two, three.

This was only a preliminary election. We chose three people to serve on the city council...not votes for mayor, congresspeople, or president. I wonder how many people did the same.

I don't know which candidates won/lost in our local election. I'll do a little research and see if the three I chose were also voted in by the public. Even though it was a small election, it was important. And even thought I do enjoy the ease of the new system, I miss standing in line, seeing neighbors doing the same thing as you, even chatting with them. It felt good to go into the booth and make the decision...

Also, no "I Voted" sticker.

Bring back the old days!

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