Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A Fun New Game...Well, Fun For Me, At Least

Millions of people now work from home, including me. Over the last year the way we work has possibly forever changed. I was fortunate enough to be sent home two years before covid hit...I had a two-year head start. I had time to learn about about how things are different when you work at home.

Take for example...pets.

When we leave for work, we forget about pets, for the most part. We remember them when they come running as we walk through the door. But, if you're home all the time, the pets are with you, and if the cat didn't want to sit on my desk--specifically, the keyboard--while I worked, I could possibly have the huge, 18-lb rescued rag doll cat in my office with me.

With the door closed, the cat will sometimes stick his paws under the door. Today, I thought I'd have a little fun. I took a golf ball and he and I batted it around for a few minutes. I think he had fun, but I'm sure it's frustrating for him not to be able to somehow fit that golf ball under the door. I'm sure it's frustrating that he can't come in and play, for reals.

 Maybe one day, when I'm no longer working, I can have the door open and we can bat the golf ball around full-time. Then again, I plan on doing more writing when I retire. But if we can, we'll both have a lot of fun.

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