Friday, April 2, 2021

It's Crazy Now, But When It's Done...It's Going To Be A Nice Road


In the summer of 2019 my daughter and I were cast in a show in a theater in Ogden, Utah. The distance between where we lived and the theater in Ogden Utah was roughly twenty miles.

That's usually a twenty to twenty-five minute commute.

There's two efficient ways to get to Ogden form where we lived, take Interstate-15, or Route 89, a.k.a. the James V. Hansen Parkway. Without traffic both routes can deliver a commuter to the destination in the same amount of time. But, we knew taking I-15 at rush hour was an unwise decision. It becomes a parking lot. We decided to take the upper road.

Guess what...another parking lot. 

I was blown away the first time my daughter and I tried taking 89 to Ogden. When I got my graduate degree from Weber State, I took that road all the time, got to campus in a half hour. But that was back in 2007, 2008, and 2009. In a decade an entire fleet of vehicles moved in and decided taking the upper road was superior to taking the interstate.

Last week I had a meeting in Davis County and took 89 home. It was around 3pm so the parking lot had not yet materialized. But what has materialized is roadwork on the upper route. It's going to amazing when it's done. I don't know the completion date and we no longer live in the area where we'll use the road, but all those cars will, and so will their families when the drivers in those cars get home faster and hopefully safer.

I just hope that when it's done, the population hasn't grown so much, they'll need another road just to keep up...

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