Saturday, April 24, 2021

My Pre-Covid Writing Life...I Didn't Realize Just How Spoiled I Was

 The first time I stepped inside the Tremonton Library, I noticed several flyers on the counter with pictures of authors I knew on them. These were notices that Utah authors would be visiting the Tremonton Library to chat about their books and/or do a reading of their works.

I was so stoked! 

I was going to have my friends come up to our local library--I'd get to see my friends again. We could chat, discuss books, and just hang out.

Turns out these incredible writers would be visiting our neck of the woods, but not in person...they'd be visiting virtually...digitally...not physically.


I was able to log into an author reading from Steve Heurmann on Friday. He's an amazing person with a wonderful story of how he became a full-time writer. You can access his information by visiting his website: HERE. He read from his book, Paper Heroes.

The meeting ended--I was able to say, "hello," I thought about how disappointed I was that the author chats are all virtual. I also thought about how spoiled I've been for the past eight years. Except for last year, I have been able to attend several writing conventions, writing symposiums, and comic cons every year. I was averaging one every three or four months. And I pretty much knew who would be attending these local events--many of my good writing friends.

How I miss those days.

If Steve had been able to attend his reading in person, or if we had been at a convention, we could have talked about writing, about how his latest project was coming along, any news on new books, new ideas. And I could have done the same things with a dozen or more friends. Attending these events to sell books is wonderful, but so is hanging out and chatting with friends.

Hopefully, we can return to normal soon. If so, I will try and go to as many as possible, so I can be spoiled again.

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