Sunday, April 11, 2021

Give Thanks...For Neighbors

 We thought when we moved from Farmington, that we'd be leaving behind a yard full of rocks just underneath the grass and plants.

Turns out Farmington's got nothing on Tremonton.

This land has rocks everywhere. As we prepare to put in our yard, we've got a lot of work to do. We have several rock piles at various locations around the yard and we'll have to deal with them. Yesterday, we decided to tackle some of those piles. 

Problem--one of the rocks was huge.

Another problem--I am not huge...well, huge enough to move the rock.

Our next-door-neighbor saw us working and he came over to offer help. And help he did. He pulled up his Jeep, wrapped a chain around the rock and attached it to bumper. A few tugs from the gas-burning beast and the rock was moved several feet to the north.

We're still getting to know our neighbors. On our old street, I knew everyone. I knew everyone on several streets and all over the town. It's reassuring to know others by whom you live. You know there's people you can count on for help. It's impossible to really know how others think about you. Are we good neighbors? I'd like to think so. I'm sure we could do more...we can always do more.

Leaving our good friends was the toughest part of the move for us. We've only been here a few months, but we're hoping to get to know those around us in the months and years to come. I'm grateful for our neighbors. I'm grateful that people choose to help out each other...even if it's just to move a rock a few feet.

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