Thursday, December 23, 2021

Recognize This Puppy...?

 As Christmas approaches, I have found myself in store after store the past couple of weeks. Sometimes I'm the one shopping, sometimes I'm along for the ride. When it's the latter, I will check out what there is to see in whatever store I'm in.

So it happened today. While others searched for items to make the holidays even better, I spotted a tower of greeting cards. It was a little out of the way--sure it was at the end of an aisle, but not prominent...sort of an afterthought. This isn't to blame the store or those inside the store for short-changing these cards. It seemed to me that if anyone were looking for a card, they can easily find the selection of cards and hopefully find a card that suits their needs.

One card stuck out to me...

This particular card--a card with a puppy in a denim jacket and sunglasses holding a drink.

Maybe it's just me, but I definitely saw a resemblance to a certain famous musician.

I opened the card to see if the puppy was supposed to resemble the musician, but was a card that highlighted the dog, the jacket, the drink, and the glasses. 

If you're of a certain age, there's no denying the dog looks like a specific person. Though not perhaps a household name, you will most likely recognize the music he's created (in the various bands...) and the music he'd produced (in the various bands...). He is a legend, so much so, that when I saw the pup, I thought of no one else.

If you recognize the person the puppy looks like, then you know what I'm talking about. If not, well...that's a shame.

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