Friday, December 31, 2021

"It's A Wonderful Life"...Not Just For Christmas

 Family and friends have gathered and we have a decision to make...what movie do we put on while we prepare dinner and get ready for the New Years Eve festivities?

Why not, It's a Wonderful Life?

That's a good question, and the obvious answer is also a question...why not?

 I don't think I've ever watched one of my favorite movies on New Years Eve before. We watch it every year before Christmas and usually on Christmas Day (if not several times...). For me, it's a timeless film. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to be in a stage play production of the show. Now, whenever I watch the film, the memories of those amazing casts return, making the show even that much better for me.

But, I don't think I've ever watched the show the week after Christmas. 

Other than the ending scene where everyone sings Auld Lang Syne, what makes this a "New Years Eve flick" and not just a "Christmas film?"

It's a tale of reflection. George Bailey is given the opportunity to see, not only who he is, but what he means to the world. I don't know if many of us go this deep on New Years Even when reflecting on things, but there's a connection.

It's a tale of starting over. Many people--myself included--use the New Year as a focal point to do better, to improve, to make the next year better than the previous. That's what George does--he just doesn't come out and say it in that manner.

It's a tale of redemption. Thanks to the help of others, George realizes his contribution to his family, his community, even to every man on that transport. He is saved as the bell tolls and the music fades.

Of course, you could watch the show on many holidays throughout the year. Memorial Day/Veterans Day, lots of time dedicated to the war and those who served. You could watch this on Independence Day. This movie is such an example of a truly American film. It's part teen comedy--George and Mary's courtship (though short as it was). And, naturally, you can watch it at Halloween, what with all the ghosts and alternative's a natural.

Maybe next year when we gather, God willing, I'll recommend we watch, It's a Wonderful Life on New Years Eve.

Why not?

Happy New Years, everyone!

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