Thursday, November 24, 2022

A Pretty Chill Thanksgiving...

 We did things a little different this year.

My brother contacted us about a month ago and asked about this year's Thanksgiving plans. We hadn't made plans and we told him as much. Before you could say "Reply" he sent a text asking if we'd like to celebrate the holiday with them.

Of course we would.

Next, we received a follow-up text asking if we wouldn't mind having dinner on Wednesday night instead of the traditional Thursday as millions of others would do so more of us could attend.

Of course we would.

Yesterday, we loaded up the minivan and headed down. The drive was nice and we spent an evening talking and eating incredible food. As things do, we broke up the party and headed home. It was a wonderful experience, something--especially considering last year--I hope to cherish.

This was the first Thanksgiving without our sister. My siblings and I don't get together every year. Had we known it would be the last time she'd be with us, we'd have gathered together for sure.

Because we had our big meal last night, today was weird. No turkey, no big meal that requires days to prepare. We sat around watching Christmas movies (at least, the ones we could get through...). It was pretty chill. I suppose we shouldn't focus on the food, but the family. That's the most important part. Growing up, I saw my siblings every day--sometimes I had to find excuses to take a break from family. Now, you have to put forth effort the see each other. Funny how things change.

No, it was a different holiday for us. I'm thankful for family. It's the most important thing.

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