Sunday, November 13, 2022

Give Thanks...For Ice Cream

 A few weeks ago I found myself in a store where my daughter works. The store, the Amish Creek Bulk Food Company, is located in Willard, Utah. If you've been there, and if you like homemade food and furniture, you'll LOVE this place.

What I love was their ice cream...

Especially, the True Night flavor.

It's a vanilla, raspberry, and dark chocolate concoction, and in a waffle cone, it's hard to beat.

Funny thing about ice cream, I credit it for keeping me alive as a child. My mom bought gallon tubs of the stuff because every day I would come home have a huge bowl of whatever kind she chose. I remember eating a lot of vanilla, chocolate, and Neapolitan--that kind used to freak me out a little...why did they not swirl the flavors? Too big a question for a small mind.

I know it's not true, but I say that ice cream kept me alive as a child because I was the skinniest kid I knew. I could not gain weight to save my life. My first drivers license said I weighed 103 lbs. I didn't hit 130 lbs for ten years after that. I think eating so much ice cream provided me the necessary nutrition I needed to grow.

Fast forward many decades (and many lbs...), and there's no way I could eat a daily bowl of ice cream now. I think I gain weight just looking at pictures of ice cream. 

My son, whose pictures as a child are almost indistinguishable of pictures of me at the same age, has followed in my footsteps by enjoying a bowl of ice cream almost on a daily basis. Unlike me, he's not a daily-eater (don't think we can afford it...). As I write this, I'm thinking about scooping up some of the cold deliciousness when I'm done. I'm grateful for many things in my life...

Ice cream is one of them.

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