Thursday, November 10, 2022

Behold, The State of Utah's New Flag...Aughk

 When I first heard about a possible changing of our state flag, I almost couldn't believe it. I had one question...


It made no sense. Well, it does for a certain type of person. I can almost hear the people sitting around a table when the idea struck.

"You know what? Our state flag is so boring--we really ought to change it."

"Yeah, I agree--it should be changed. I know--we could have a state-wide contest and come up with a new design that everyone would love."

"Great idea!"

"I know, right?!"


I'm not completely against the idea--the flag is sort of boring, as flags go. But it's just so unnecessary. We don't need a new flag. I haven't done any research into this so if I'm off base I apologize, but what really bugs me is the fact state resources went into this. If the entire process--the re-design committee, the judging, the marketing, the PR, if ALL of it was publicly funded (most likely by "Big Flag" no doubt...) and didn't cost the taxpayers of Utah one penny, then this wouldn't bug me as much.

Still, it might cost money converting to the new flags and everything that involves. Next we'll be inundated with a "Hey--look at our new flag! Isn't it great?" campaign to convince everyone it's really a good thing.

I guess I'm just an old man yelling at clouds here, but for me, it was just so unneeded. No one seem to be asking for a new flag, Today it was announced this was the final design. There you have it, loyal readers--our new state flag in all it's red/white/blue/mountains/beehive glory.


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