Friday, November 18, 2022

Thanksgiving...This Year Giving Thanks We'll Be At My Brothers ;)


That meme pretty much nails it.

Traditionally, in our family, Thanksgiving to me means I work three days, then I can sleep in Thursday and look forward to a day of feasting and football (well, I used to watch NFL games...). This is not how my wife views the week of Thanksgiving--oh no. For her, it's not just one day, it's several days. 

First, there's the planning. This is not a minor detail. You have to figure out what the family's going to eat, pre-meal, meal, and dessert, snacks throughout, and other things that sound yummy. Then, there's the shopping. Because of food allergies, we end up having to go to several stores to get what we need. It takes time, and money. All this prep and shopping takes place long before the actually meal is served.

Then, the week of Thanksgiving arrives. My wife has prepared several Thanksgiving meals over the years. She knows the timing of the event, when things need to take place. She's a pro.

A few weeks ago, my brother called and asked if we'd like to join him at his house for the big day/meal. We said, "Sure." I was glad that we'd get to spend time with the family. As we get older, we see less and less of extended family, mostly because all our families are getting bigger and bigger--it is the way of things. My wife was glad because all that planning, shopping, food preparation, and serving will not take place here, but somewhere else.

Of course, the meal is cherry on top. Getting together with family is the most important thing. It's what makes Thanksgiving the biggest blessing.

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