Sunday, July 30, 2023

Give Thanks...Call Me Grandpa

 We got the message just after 6pm, Monday night. The rest of the state was preparing to light fireworks and celebrate Pioneer Days. One text and I forgot all about that...

Our grandson was here.

We loaded up the van, drove south to the next town, and finally met a tiny soul, a miracle wrapped in a blanket. Grandma held him first (as it should be...). Then, the baby boy--less than an hour old--was handed to me. 

We've known he was coming, though we didn't know he was a "he" until he was born. Whenever I told someone the news, everyone was excited and happy for our family, but when we told people who were grandparents themselves, something special could be found in their smile, in the way they looked at us. They knew something we didn't know. They knew what it was like being a grandparent.

Ask any grandparent about their grandkids, and you'll see that smile, that glint in their eyes. Their faces light up. 

Yes, it's different.

When we had our first child, it's hard to express the feelings I had, gratitude, excitement, nervousness, and a feeling of relief that he had finally arrived. Since I didn't know what it was like being a grandpa, I thought the same feelings would return as I saw my first-born become a father. Those feelings were there, of course, but this time, I didn't have to worry about how I was going to support my family, if I was going to get any sleep...all those things.

But, it wasn't just about all the responsibilities I didn't have that my son now has. No, the feeling of holding this newborn was unlike anything I've ever experienced. 

Maybe it's because I'm older and I can appreciate what a miracle it truly is. Maybe it's because I am excited for my son as he becomes a first-time dad. I'm sure it's those things and more.

I'm grateful for the title of Grandpa. I'll wear it proudly. I'm grateful all are doing well, mother, father, child. I'm grateful I was there to welcome our grandson into the family. And now, if you ask me about my grandson, you'll see the smile, you'll see that something special in my eyes...

I'm grateful for those things, too.

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